Hi photographers 👋,
The false belief (or rather the misguided belief) is this…
“The older I get, the more I can charge.”
Both young and old photographers seem to believe this statement.
But I’m here to tell you that…
Correlation is the not causation, my friends.
Older, more seasoned photographers, yes, usually charge more than a newbie, but this is because their experience has taught them how to better talk about pricing with their clients.
It’s their years of failing and floundering around with their wedding packages until they found the right combination.
Read More: The Three Rules of Bundling Services
To all my young, newbie photographers
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that “you just need a few more years of experience” before you can start raising your prices.
There are photographers younger than you with less experience charging more than YOU. It’s not an age, it’s not the “number” of years of experience, it’s mastery of the pricing conversation.
Want to skip the line and start earning money like the Pros?
Then Download The Perfect Wedding Package today!
Jordan P. Anderson
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