Hey, Jordan! Thanks for sharing all the pillars. I’m in the process of reading my first business book, so I haven’t quite gotten to proven methods and traits to help build a successful business. I know how all these pillars play a huge factor, but haven’t quite actively pursued strategies to implement them all other than the strategy part, being the most focused. I feel the need to tirelessly brainstorm and write out strategy plans & flowcharts for things thinking that’s the key.

Thanks again!

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Hey Jared! Glad to hear you're getting into the business book rabbit hole. Tons of great books to check out. I'd love to know what you're reading.

Don't stress too much about getting all of these pillars aligned in your life. It takes time, and it takes the right moment in our lives to find that alignment. Don't rush it.

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Thanks for the reassurance brother! I’m going to start looking for other books soon that align more with videography & strategy and marketing. But at the moment I’m reading Starting a Business QuickStart Guide by Ken Colwell. It’s basically an entry level book for entrepreneurs to plan out their business, build a business plan, and to understand how a new entrepreneur can effectively begin their business venture in an sort of industry within a market and to penetrate the market as a new product or service even with the seemingly overwhelming competition.

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