The Sony A7s: My Camera Gear- It finally happened: We got our hands on the Sony A7s mirrorless camera. After blogging about this camera for about 6 months, it was about time that we got to demo Sony's front-runner in the mirrorless uprising. A compact body and able to output a 4K signal, this camera seems to be a filmmaker's dream come true for under $3K. 1. Body/Construction This camera is quite small in the hands. I will give a warning to big guys and Canon 5D users- it's puny in the hands. The overall size is about the size of an iPhone 6. But some will find this as a relief if they often have a hurt back from using large camcorders all day. I'm not one of those people. Coming from a Canon 70D, I take comfort in being able to manhandle my camera without fear of breaking or slipping out of my hands. Buttons and dialed are top notch. I don't see these ever wearing out. They lack the plastic-y cheap feel that Canon dials fall victim to. The body is a mostly metal with a rubberized handgrip. The battery and SD card latches aren't remarkable but they don't feel cheap. My only complaint, and the complaint of many filmmakers: the Record button. It's flush against the rightside the of the camera where your index and thumb meet. I oftentimes couldn't do a no-look recording and would have to crane my head to the side to try and find the tiny button. 2. Battery Not as terrible as our Vlog #16 makes them out to be but these batteries aren't the ones you're looking for. I used to work with a Sony a37 and the A7s uses the same baby batteries. These batteries just lack the robustness and longevity of camcorder batteries. I know this is an obvious statement but if I'm losing one battery per hour, then there's a problem. If I were to shoot a film with the A7s then I would consider a battery grip, external power bricks, or at least 5 batteries and chargers for the day. --- ►► Subscribe to My Channel Here: --- Website- Instagram- Facebook- Snapchat- Canon 70D- Canon 10-18mm- RODE VideoMic Pro- iPhone 6- Adobe Premiere Pro CC- ►►New to the Vlog? -- How to Start A Production Company- My Life Story (sort of)- I can remember picking up my family's video camera as a teenager and being enthralled that I could make an impact in someone's life. The filmmaking process is complex but at the heart of it simple: tell a compelling story. What resonates the hardest is visual storytelling. The ability to create an emotion or convey an idea through an image is what drives my career as a filmmaker. My marathon mentality is focused on becoming the best cinematographer possible.
The Sony A7s Review
Jul 17, 2015
The Jordan P. Anderson Show
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