I am being pulled in two major directions: ambition and relaxation. One brings happiness, the other success. As a 24-year-old, I am still trying to figure this one out. Do I go all in and move so quickly that I become blinded by my ambition? Do I sit back, relax, have a couple of beers and watch the sunset? I am trying to find that balance. Thanks for watching, and thank you so much for sticking with me on this journey. LIVE STREAM- Choose A Camera (http://bit.ly/2odA30B) --- ►► Subscribe to My Channel Here: http://bit.ly/2lZYHDP --- Website- http://jordanpanderson.com Instagram- http://instagram.com/jordanpanderson Facebook- http://facebook.com/jordanpandersonfilm Snapchat- http://snapchat.com/add/valley_films Canon 70D- http://bit.ly/2mw6R4D Canon 10-18mm- http://bit.ly/2mw6R4D RODE VideoMic Pro- http://bit.ly/2mw6R4D iPhone 6- http://bit.ly/2mw6R4D Adobe Premiere Pro CC- http://bit.ly/2mw6R4D ►►New to the Vlog? -- How to Start A Production Company- https://goo.gl/OA6MKq My Life Story (sort of)- https://goo.gl/U5b2Ja I can remember picking up my family's video camera as a teenager and being enthralled that I could make an impact in someone's life. The filmmaking process is complex but at the heart of it simple: tell a compelling story. What resonates the hardest is visual storytelling. The ability to create an emotion or convey an idea through an image is what drives my career as a filmmaker. My marathon mentality is focused on becoming the best cinematographer possible.
My Ambition is Blinding
Mar 24, 2017
The Jordan P. Anderson Show
I’m here to help you create more, earn more, and find more happiness in your life.
We have a bold mission here to live a rich life doing what we love.
We want to be content with ourselves, and the content we create.
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