Hi, this is great. Right now I use a mix of chatgpt for content creation ideas and scripts, clickup, google docs, camtasia, sometimes adobe premiere pro, whatsapp, youtube creator studio, then google sheets to try and manage all this. So, based on what you're saying, I can ditch those and put everything in notion?
If it can be written down, managed and tracked then it can go in Notion. Each of these can be their own databases. And what gets crazy is you can link these databases together so when the scrip is written, you can track its status while overseeing the editing process. Magic. 🪄
I could maybe do a one-off consultation (paid of course) if you wanted to direct me to resources to set it up myself, or if you have a list on the workflow to track this stuff then okay. I would put in the work to transfer all my things to notion if it’ll work out
Alright awesome. So basically everything you would track if your goal were to grow a youtube channel from 8k subs to 100k subs.
My workflow is:
1. Market analysis topics with high search volume in tech (spreadsheet with google trends data)
2. Video topics (brainstorm with AI tools like chatgpt)
Video title that would pull good numbers
3. Scripts/outlines for the video (+ editing notes and recommendations on what would keep audience engaged. Whether I implement effects or not depends on time and budget)
4. Thumbnail description/idea for video (hire someone on Fiverr. Problem is that the thumbnail might not be consistent with other thumbnail styles. Frankly I need a good thumbnail go-to person who can give me consistent looking themed thumbnails)
5. Script generation (chatgpt+Jasper sometimes) put into google docs
6. I shoot the video on iphone if talking head + camtasia if doing screencast (most times it’s talking head + screencast)
7. Transfer video from iphone to computer
8. Import talking head into camtasia or…
9. Export camtasia file to video file
Combine talking head and screencast video into Adobe premiere pro, then edit it myself if time or budget are limited…otherwise…
10. I send unedited videos to video editor for them to combine/edit into single video through google drive for them to download
11. Edited video i give feedback on their special storage online (google drive, dropbox, etc.)
I like it and keep it the same, or ask for editing uodates on fiverr (I hate this because i have to watch the entire video then write down what i need changed then message them back, etc. when I’m most cases, I can spend 1.2 times the time to just edit it myself without a delay of 1-2 days. So most times I end up editing the screencast part myself before even sending it to Editor. I just wished I knew how to edit like them but frankly unless I spend years editing, it’ll still be assy compared to what they can do. Plus my time is better spent creating content. Not editing. I’m not opposed to it, but even content creation is behind on my end, so i have no business adding more work to my plate, even though i would prefer to do it myself. I still might someday, and save that editing money. And make the video look the way i want. I just don’t have the skills yet. And my videos don’t even need that much editing. Just overlays and text. Though, my main sponsor did say in the past that they would like my videos to be a bit more…produced. So idk man)
12. once editing is satisfactory, i upload video to youtube creator studio
I do SEO and descriotion by copy pasting some stuff from previous YouTube video
13. I copy paste important link from sponsor into spreadsheet with all videos they sponsored. And i note where i plugged their product ad
I use vidiq to assist in this upload part
Add cards, etc to video
15. Captions (not really). I don’t even bother with captions. Takes too long (yah i mean even with generating from Adobe. I literally don’t have time. I have a 9-5 now and have tons of content i need to write and record still in order for my courses to sell…and courses that already sold that i haven’t even scripted yet. And YouTube sponsored videos then my own videos, then videos for my second channel, etc. but can only focus on sponsored videos and paid video marketing and a design project for right now, all for same client, but different projects. So in this second case they’re a client+sponsor. I track hours using clickup, communicate with them through slack to give updates, etc.) And then i invoice them every two weeks for the different projects/videos
17. Then I post the link to the sponsored video to a a google spreadsheet online for their YouTube sponsorship department.
18. Then invoice them through stripe, link sent plus i send a manual PDF email of invoice
19. Social post. I then post the video on my Facebook page. Post video link with little blurb on LinkedIn posts (but should start a newsletter instead actually)
20. Metrics of videos. I get so relieved that it’s all done, that I don’t even look at my metrics on YouTube studio.
But i do notice that most of my videos have low retention. And low clickthrough (4-5.7%) and no story
Guess I’m afraid to switch to stories but I’m going to try those out anyway. Majority of my videos are how-to videos.
Eventually l switch to different styles, like story, motivation, enlightenment videos, etc.
Someone who I would want emulate might be MKBHD + Robert Feranec + Phil’s Lab. Well I would hope to. Or organic chemistry tutor. They have the numbers and I don’t.
I hope to get to 100k subs through shorts and AI and artificial intelligence, Machine learning tutorials, etc. (I have been trying to do AI since 2003 but didn’t have resources back home, and the only Professor who could do AI in my department retired before I could get on his research. So i started stuck in electrical engineering. It’s not bad but AI has always been my calling. But i did EE to make ends meet. Tired of it though. It’s not my passion.
Youtube: but I don’t want to carry the bad habits or lack of my current videos into the coding space. There are reasons why the other YouTubers have tons of subs, in the same Engineering space while I’m still struggling with 8k subs almost 6 years after starting my channel. But until I’m ready to post consistently and in hotter topics with the proper workflow, style, brand, voice, then I’m kinda stuck. Which is fine for now. I just want to optimize the workflow i have in general for now. Improvements to the content can come later after my system is in place.
Would like to track:
1. click through rate (good or assy thumbnail title combo)
2. Retention (good or assy intro with curiosity and video length, story telling, etc.)
3. Views (how many people are into that topic, do my videos get recommended, etc.)
4. Whatever else matters to tubers (honestly everyone I think is doing great on YouTube and I’m way behind. I try not to compare but it’s hard when people are getting to 50k subs in like two months from unedited talking car videos. But granted it’s in far more popular topics and they have personality and charisma. I don’t know what mine is. Maybe i should focus on podcasts and online courses instead of doubling down on YouTube. However, I’m confident that if I know how to entertain and inform, that will only help when I create my course content…because I want to have my process so down pat, that I can engage, entertain and educate my course student to successfully completing the course.)
Hi, this is great. Right now I use a mix of chatgpt for content creation ideas and scripts, clickup, google docs, camtasia, sometimes adobe premiere pro, whatsapp, youtube creator studio, then google sheets to try and manage all this. So, based on what you're saying, I can ditch those and put everything in notion?
If it can be written down, managed and tracked then it can go in Notion. Each of these can be their own databases. And what gets crazy is you can link these databases together so when the scrip is written, you can track its status while overseeing the editing process. Magic. 🪄
That’s cool. I’d pay to understand or learn how to set this process up.
So………. Would you make a course or video on that? Paid loom video or sumn?
Maybe Kirsch. What are you looking to track? Gimme the grocery list. Haha
I could maybe do a one-off consultation (paid of course) if you wanted to direct me to resources to set it up myself, or if you have a list on the workflow to track this stuff then okay. I would put in the work to transfer all my things to notion if it’ll work out
Alright awesome. So basically everything you would track if your goal were to grow a youtube channel from 8k subs to 100k subs.
My workflow is:
1. Market analysis topics with high search volume in tech (spreadsheet with google trends data)
2. Video topics (brainstorm with AI tools like chatgpt)
Video title that would pull good numbers
3. Scripts/outlines for the video (+ editing notes and recommendations on what would keep audience engaged. Whether I implement effects or not depends on time and budget)
4. Thumbnail description/idea for video (hire someone on Fiverr. Problem is that the thumbnail might not be consistent with other thumbnail styles. Frankly I need a good thumbnail go-to person who can give me consistent looking themed thumbnails)
5. Script generation (chatgpt+Jasper sometimes) put into google docs
6. I shoot the video on iphone if talking head + camtasia if doing screencast (most times it’s talking head + screencast)
7. Transfer video from iphone to computer
8. Import talking head into camtasia or…
9. Export camtasia file to video file
Combine talking head and screencast video into Adobe premiere pro, then edit it myself if time or budget are limited…otherwise…
10. I send unedited videos to video editor for them to combine/edit into single video through google drive for them to download
11. Edited video i give feedback on their special storage online (google drive, dropbox, etc.)
I like it and keep it the same, or ask for editing uodates on fiverr (I hate this because i have to watch the entire video then write down what i need changed then message them back, etc. when I’m most cases, I can spend 1.2 times the time to just edit it myself without a delay of 1-2 days. So most times I end up editing the screencast part myself before even sending it to Editor. I just wished I knew how to edit like them but frankly unless I spend years editing, it’ll still be assy compared to what they can do. Plus my time is better spent creating content. Not editing. I’m not opposed to it, but even content creation is behind on my end, so i have no business adding more work to my plate, even though i would prefer to do it myself. I still might someday, and save that editing money. And make the video look the way i want. I just don’t have the skills yet. And my videos don’t even need that much editing. Just overlays and text. Though, my main sponsor did say in the past that they would like my videos to be a bit more…produced. So idk man)
12. once editing is satisfactory, i upload video to youtube creator studio
I do SEO and descriotion by copy pasting some stuff from previous YouTube video
13. I copy paste important link from sponsor into spreadsheet with all videos they sponsored. And i note where i plugged their product ad
I use vidiq to assist in this upload part
Add cards, etc to video
15. Captions (not really). I don’t even bother with captions. Takes too long (yah i mean even with generating from Adobe. I literally don’t have time. I have a 9-5 now and have tons of content i need to write and record still in order for my courses to sell…and courses that already sold that i haven’t even scripted yet. And YouTube sponsored videos then my own videos, then videos for my second channel, etc. but can only focus on sponsored videos and paid video marketing and a design project for right now, all for same client, but different projects. So in this second case they’re a client+sponsor. I track hours using clickup, communicate with them through slack to give updates, etc.) And then i invoice them every two weeks for the different projects/videos
17. Then I post the link to the sponsored video to a a google spreadsheet online for their YouTube sponsorship department.
18. Then invoice them through stripe, link sent plus i send a manual PDF email of invoice
19. Social post. I then post the video on my Facebook page. Post video link with little blurb on LinkedIn posts (but should start a newsletter instead actually)
20. Metrics of videos. I get so relieved that it’s all done, that I don’t even look at my metrics on YouTube studio.
But i do notice that most of my videos have low retention. And low clickthrough (4-5.7%) and no story
Guess I’m afraid to switch to stories but I’m going to try those out anyway. Majority of my videos are how-to videos.
Eventually l switch to different styles, like story, motivation, enlightenment videos, etc.
Someone who I would want emulate might be MKBHD + Robert Feranec + Phil’s Lab. Well I would hope to. Or organic chemistry tutor. They have the numbers and I don’t.
I hope to get to 100k subs through shorts and AI and artificial intelligence, Machine learning tutorials, etc. (I have been trying to do AI since 2003 but didn’t have resources back home, and the only Professor who could do AI in my department retired before I could get on his research. So i started stuck in electrical engineering. It’s not bad but AI has always been my calling. But i did EE to make ends meet. Tired of it though. It’s not my passion.
Youtube: but I don’t want to carry the bad habits or lack of my current videos into the coding space. There are reasons why the other YouTubers have tons of subs, in the same Engineering space while I’m still struggling with 8k subs almost 6 years after starting my channel. But until I’m ready to post consistently and in hotter topics with the proper workflow, style, brand, voice, then I’m kinda stuck. Which is fine for now. I just want to optimize the workflow i have in general for now. Improvements to the content can come later after my system is in place.
Would like to track:
1. click through rate (good or assy thumbnail title combo)
2. Retention (good or assy intro with curiosity and video length, story telling, etc.)
3. Views (how many people are into that topic, do my videos get recommended, etc.)
4. Whatever else matters to tubers (honestly everyone I think is doing great on YouTube and I’m way behind. I try not to compare but it’s hard when people are getting to 50k subs in like two months from unedited talking car videos. But granted it’s in far more popular topics and they have personality and charisma. I don’t know what mine is. Maybe i should focus on podcasts and online courses instead of doubling down on YouTube. However, I’m confident that if I know how to entertain and inform, that will only help when I create my course content…because I want to have my process so down pat, that I can engage, entertain and educate my course student to successfully completing the course.)