Your Favorite Social Platform Has Been Shut Down ⚠️
What would you do if you couldn't use your favorite social media platform?
A lot of businesses rely on one main social media platform to drive their business and create awareness around their brand. For a small business, it's usually the owner creating and distributing the content on a platform that they personally like. Maybe it's easier to work with or they find it fun.
But what if that platform disappeared tomorrow?
We've all had to pivot our creative businesses somehow, so let's play this scenario out.
Here are some questions to consider:
Where else do my clients frequent?
What other types of content could I be creating?
Do I have a platform to call my own (website, blog, email)?
Can I convert one type of content into another (Video into audio)?
Finally, what is one platform you swear you'll never use? (For me in 2015, it was Instagram)
Though this scenario rarely happens (RIP Vine) - it's key that you start to diversify your marketing output to at least 2 platforms. You're renting out temporary space on these platforms, so it's crucial to have a contingency plan.
Don't get left holding the bag.
Jordan P. Anderson
⚠️ P.S. - Did you know that you can directly reply to these emails?
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100% Typo Guarantee —This message was made with love, not spellcheck. No English teachers were harmed in the making of this email.