Better late than never! 😅
Depending on their personal name, many photographers will go into business under their name - Jordan P. Anderson Photography.
But when should you coin a name?
Start with your business goals
You have two logical choices in my mind:
A) Lifestyle business
B) Small business enterprises.
If you choose A, then using your personal name makes sense. Many people are only hiring you, and they are expecting you to show up to photograph their wedding. Rarely would someone else show up to shoot your client’s wedding with the client asking, “Uhh where’s Jordan? I thought we were getting Jordan P. Anderson Photography?”
If you choose B, though not mandatory but worth more consideration is to create a company name or DBA. The company becomes larger than its founder and therefore can expand beyond the founder’s work capacity. In this case, having employees and contractors aren’t’ such a surprise because the client is hiring a company - not you the owner necessarily.
Though a business name is nothing to get stuck on - the goals should come before the name.
Jordan P. Anderson
Question: What business name did you consider? And why did you go with it for your business?
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