What's a fair price for your photography? 📸
Guess what? It doesn't exist - or at least it shouldn't.
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Hi everyone! 👋
How do you craft a fair price?
Fairness is the most subjective word in business. Many of you, when crafting your packages inject this notion of fairness.
It’s different for every business deal.
Fairness for a photographer is usually framed as
“My prices are fair based on the average price in my local area.”
But, what if that average is broken from the start?
Who makes up that average?
And where did they get their prices?
I am all for being nice and pleasant to your clients, but framing your business as a fair leave you open to price-shopping clients that want to take advantage of your fair price practices.
An equal exchange of value leads to what Blair Enns calls the “Double Thank You Moment.” The moment towards the end of the business engagement where you AND your client are pleased with the work, the results, and the compensation for that work.
This is your new framework - Value. Not fairness.
When we are presenting our work, we seek to offer our clients as much value for the prices offered. We aren’t looking around at the competition, we concentrate on the client sitting across from the table.
How can we offer our clients the most value?
Jordan P. Anderson
Ask yourself this:
🤢 Feel gross trying to market yourself?
💸 Looking to raise your photography prices?
🤳 Instagram your new full-time job?
😨 Referrals dried up?
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100% Typo Guarantee —This message was made with love, not spellcheck. No English teachers were harmed in the making of this email.