What YouTube Can Teach You About Running Your Business
The biggest advice people give about setting up a YouTube channel is to coalesce around a single topic.
The greatest and most popular YouTube channels out there follow this rule:
Bon Appetit - Cooking
GaryVee - Marketing/Entrepreneurship
MKBHD - Consumer Tech/Electronics
Hydraulic Press Channel - Well...
They are able to attract an audience because they live and breathe around that one topic. It's like cable TV channels - each channel usually focuses around one topic or set of ideas. Imagine Claire from Bon Appetit doing a review for the latest iPhone - What are you doing, Claire?! (Actually...that could be some good crossover content)
Now apply this to your business. What's the one topic/problem you live and breathe? Are you disrupting your client's expectations by offering a new service out of left field?
Find a focus. Stay on that focus. And drill down on that focus.
Jordan P. Anderson
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