People want answers and want them now. They’re putting in more and getting out less and less when it comes to marketing.
What should I do, Jordan? What can I do better on Instagram?
Do whatever - I don’t care.
You can do whatever you think is best or whatever you heard is trendy. It’ll amount to some puffs of smoke, but no fire. Add the hashtags, don’t add hashtag. It’s all fanning your hands at a pile of wood and hoping it’ll catch fire. Fanning the flames after all is a tactic.
The tactics work, but what would work even better is if these marketing tactics were tailor-made for your ideal client.
Stop huffing and puffing at random pieces of wood, hoping they’ll spark - and start looking for the fuel that’s going to set your marketing on fire. 🔥🔥
Jordan P. Anderson

100% Typo Guarantee —This message was made with love, not spellcheck. No English teachers were harmed in the making of this email.