What is a Lifestyle Business?
No, not a lifestyle brand. A lifestyle business. A business that aims to support your lifestyle.
There are many ways to categorize a sprouting business. Some are semantics, others have clear differences.
For example, a startup business is NOT a "Mom and Pop" shop because a startup business has massive aims to scale to a global enterprise. Startups care about growth.
Well, what about a "Mom and Pop?" Is that the same as a soloist in a creative business?
I would argue no. "Mom and Pop's" might franchise, hire employees or sell the business altogether.
So what about me? I run my own little creative shop, I freelance sometimes, and I don't want to hire employees, and I don't see a way I can sell my business to another business operator.
If you want to make $75,000 a year and live off that, then that's the business's only sales/growth goals for the year. If you want to earn more - cool. Want to scale down? That's cool too.
What kind of business appeals to you the most?
Here's a great book about working solo on your creative businesses: Company of One (https://amzn.to/3aslJd6)
- Jordan P. Anderson
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