What I learned from interviewing over 50 photographers
The Biggest Problem:
Time Management
Between uploading photos to the blog, editing in Lightroom, homeschooling the kids, and remembering to post at 12:01 pm on Instagram time is always limited. Some tasks are worth doing yourself - others not so much.
2nd Biggest Problem:
Getting around to working on their websites
Many have WordPress sites requiring updates, plugins, and an esoteric knowledge of Google SEO algorithms. Others want a FloTheme or Squarespace template. Rarely anyone was satisfied.
Is a website ever finished?
Something we all know but hate saying:
Instagram is an abusive friend.
The more effort you put in, the less you get out. And Instagram always whispering, “Where else are you gonna go?”
Everyone’s jumping-off point looks different. Some have other full-time jobs, some have kids, some do this for fun. But everyone does it because they love it!
Thanks for reading!
Jordan P. Anderson
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