Trying to acquire new clients during COVID-19? - Here's What I Learned
The Stages of Sales During COVID-19:
Denial and Willful Optimism that this will be over next week
Anger and Spurn to anyone who would dare reach out to help
Bargaining time between your calls and finding time away from their kids
No response
Acceptance to the new reality and a newfound excitement for the future.
I have seen a wide range of responses from new, potential clients. Some are cringe-worthy (on my end); others have been hopeful.
With my salesman hat on, I don't take the projections of anger personally. Many businesses are suffering and the natural response is anger, grief, sadness, and frustration. You just happen to tap them on the shoulder when they're having a bad day. It's not necessarily your fault.
Here's what you can do to not be a prick salesman during this time:
Slow the f*ck down with the follow-ups. They will get back to you, I promise.
When sympathizing, don't bring yourself into it.
"Your business must be totally upended. I'm having the same issues too." (WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!)
Stop selling your solutions that worked before COVID-19. Offer something relevant and useful to the new era we are in.
Personalize everything. Email into Voice Messages. Voice messages into Video Messages. Up the ante. Let people hear your voice.
Hope you all are doing well out there with your businesses.
Send me a reply, what has worked in your sales process lately?
Jordan P. Anderson
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