The real difference between "9-to-5" and Freelancing
Hi photographers 👋,
You may think the difference is that you get to choose your own projects and make as much money as you want as a freelancer.
Ok, uhh, maybe it’s about being your own boss and not listening to anyone.
So what is it, Jordan?
The Real Difference: Being Yourself
Can you really be yourself at your 9-to-5 job?
Can you really share your opinions about a project?
Can you really be perfectly honest with your boss or coworkers?
In the employee world, you, your life, your outlook, your personality must always and constantly be kept in check. Even at the most Google-y, kiddie slide, neon-green yoga ball organization - keep YOU to yourself.
When you’re freelancing and running your own business, sharing YOU is 100% part of being successful.
There’s no way around it.
Companies hire you for your expertise.
Clients hire you for your insights.
You can’t sit back and say, “Sure boss, sounds good. Whatever you want.” This is the complete opposite of why they hired you for this project.
You have to bleed your personality, your thoughts, your insights, and especially your opinions.
Goddammit, it’s the most liberating thing.
Thanks for reading. See you tomorrow.
Your Pricing Sherpa,
Jordan P. Anderson
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100% Typo Guarantee —This message was made with love, not spellcheck. No English teachers were harmed in the making of this email.