The Quickest Way to a Million Dollars (Or so the Biz Bros say...)
1 Avatar
1 Solution
1 Conversion Method
1 Traffic Source
1 Year
Maybe this idea doesn't need to be recirculated, but I recently heard about this mindset/methodology and something clicked for me.
When we're trying to figure whom to sell or what to sell, this little shortcut made a lot of sense. Now granted, the guys slinging this idea seemed pretty douchey - like EMPOWERMENT, Million-Dollar Coach seminar douchey. (See what I mean - video).
You are going to sell one thing to one type of person using one conversion method via one traffic source for 365 days.
Conversion Method is the valuable thing you're offering like a video, podcast, newsletter, template or webcast.
The Traffic Source is usually dependent on the conversion method. If you're going to make videos, then choose YouTube, Facebook or Linkedin.
And the final part seems the hardest - one year. One year?! I can barely stick to any one thing for one month. I know it's going to be tough, especially us creatives who flutter to anything new and shiny. Stick with it for a year and make minor adjustments along the way.
Hope this helped click something in your mind. Sorry to recirculate some Bro-Knowledge, but hey great artist steal, right?
Jordan P. Anderson
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100% Typo Guarantee —This message was made with love, not spellcheck. No English teachers were harmed in the making of this email.