Hi everyone! 👋
Collect. Choose. Create. Commit.
Collect as many ideas as you can. Don’t self-edit. Quantity over quality.
Choose the top idea that stands out.
Create a game plan around that idea that gets us closer to solving the problem at-hand.
Commit to this game plan for a set amount of time.
When it’s over, review the idea and see how close you were to solving the problem?
Almost? Not even close?
Rinse and repeat the Mantra.
Collect. Choose. Create. Commit.
For more great workshop tips, check out The Workshopper Playbook:
Jordan P. Anderson
Ask yourself this:
🤢 Feel gross trying to market yourself?
💸 Looking to raise your photography prices?
🤳 Instagram your new full-time job?
😨 Referrals dried up?
🗝️ Gain Access to My Coaching! 🔒
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