The hardest thing I've done in my business...
I have these skills, I feel like I can help almost anybody. But who can I help the most? And should I?
That’s what you need to ask yourself in your business and from experience, it's the hardest thing a business owner can do. This is video below is a long time coming and it’s taken the last few months of refinement and self-articualtion. Part of choosing to go into client services is choosing who your clients are - and who they aren’t.
So here’s my swing at this:
I help photographers who hate marketing.
It's strange to take a stance like that. It really felt weird saying it out loud, but narrowing my audience to a select few is for the best.
Enjoy the video! And have a great start to your week!
Who is your ideal client?
Jordan P. Anderson

100% Typo Guarantee —This message was made with love, not spellcheck. No English teachers were harmed in the making of this email.