The 10% Rule
We often underestimate our own level of skill. We lack the confidence to try.
Remember the 10% Rule: Knowing 10% more than the average person qualifies you to teach a skill.
Knowing this rule, hopefully, will boost your confidence in saying, "Yes. I do offer this service and we'd be happy to serve you!"
But let's say you're still on the fence (or the client is on the fence). Offer a guarantee for your services. Tim Ferriss calls this a Lose-Win scenario. You lose, they win. Guarantees such as "If you don't like it, keep the product/service, and we'll refund your money. No questions asked."
This guarantee takes the risk off of the client and allows you to test out your idea. If the idea succeeds - Great! You have a happy customer, and you made some money along the way. An unhappy customer? Not a problem - here's a full refund, keep the work we've done for you, and have a great day. You didn't make any money off of the engagement but you learned what NOT to do.
Teaching a skill is wildly underrated. My style of learning is to gain an understanding and try to teach it to someone as soon as possible. It's unfortunate for my wife that she gets to be my first pupil. But learning and teaching are TWO DIFFERENT PROCESSES. If you can't teach someone a skill, then you lack the fundamental core of the lesson. It forces you to articulate what you've learned.
Whatever your learning style is, it's crucial to always be learning new things and pushing beyond what we think is possible.
- Jordan P. Anderson
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