Hi photographers 👋,
Copy HOW your mentors do what they do, not what they do.
The Trap of the Copycat
I fell into the trap a few years ago believing that I had to follow my mentors, and watch their every move.
Folks like GaryVee, Casey Neistat, Jenna Kutcher, and Matt D'Avella. I would consume their content, get inspired, and create a copycat version but starring me.
What if I told you that this type of copycat is setting yourself up for failure?
We're copying the wrong thing.
Speaking personally, I was copying the wrong things from my mentors.
I would watch GaryVee and go, "Yeah...I need to someone to follow me around with a camera."
I would watch Casey Neistat and go, "Yes! I need a vlogging DSLR and make daily videos about my life."
I was copying the wrong things.
We all are.
Not What They Do, But How They Do It.
You are never going to make the best business shoooooow or make 556 consecutive daily vlogs.
It's a setup for failure.
You'll try it for a week, give up, and then shame yourself saying things like "I'll never be as good as [Insert YouTube Star's name]."
You have to look deeper at HOW your mentors are doing it:
How often are they posting?
How are they sharing their work?
How are they generating new followers?
How do they strategize their content, and
How they generate revenue?
By copying the "how", you will use the tactics from your mentors but the "what" will always be yours.
What are you going to talk about?
What are you sharing about your life?
What makes your story special and compelling?
What are you offering your clients?
Jordan P. Anderson
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