Late-night post! Some brain food before bed!
Released the podcast episode about Staying Consistent where I go over the idea of choosing 1-2 social media platforms and sticking with it for at least a year.
After listening to that episode this week, I feel like I didn’t go far enough. Yes, perhaps, it’s good advice to chose 1-2 platforms. But let’s get to some great advice!
What’s the one medium you can over-index and go full-force into?
Stop trying to find balance in your life. It’s a myth.
Assume you only have one shot at this whole social media thing, and you might as well concentrate your efforts into one place. Many of you photographers struggle to find the time to market your business, so why overcomplicate things by spreading your efforts to multiple media/platforms?
Choose a platform.
Choose life.
Jordan P. Anderson
My new personal branding course is open to all! Enroll here:
100% Typo Guarantee —This message was made with love, not spellcheck. No English teachers were harmed in the making of this email.