Should You Offer Free Consultations?
If you're in the digital marketing space, you'll come across marketers who will offer free 30-minute strategy calls. I'm a bit torn on this one.
Get potential clients on the phone
Starting new conversations (Always a plus)
Bringing clients in through the "strategy" door, not the "execution" door
Giving your services away for free
Every piece of advice is prefaced with "Well, I'd have to know more, but..."
On one hand, you are opening yourself up to more conversations, which can always lead to more opportunities (direct or indirect). But, it quickly becomes a timeshare sales pitch where you've eaten at the luxury buffet, gotten the free night's stay, and earned a Fast Pass to Disney. You're ready to leave but the salesman insists you stay a few minutes longer to watch this short overview video.
What kind of clients are you attracting with your free samples of your primary services?
Good clients know your work is expensive and they feel completely fine paying for something that is valuable to the success of their business.
Jordan P. Anderson
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