Hi photographers 👋,
The biggest problem in client sales is saying too much.
Your wedding client wants to hear all about you, your work, and how you can help them on this project.
THEN, comes the price question.
So how much do you charge, Jordan?
The Rookie Mistake is…
Saying anything after you say your price.
Which is more convincing?
“I typically charge $10,000 for a project like this, and I think we can do a great job for you. And I’m happy to discuss more about it. I think we would make a great team.”
“I typically charge $10,000 for a project like this.”
Don’t rush to fill the silence. Shut up.
The client’s reaction to this number is everything. If you’re talking over them or talking too much, then you water down the reaction and water down your price.
So please, do me a favor, and shut up. 😁
Jordan P. Anderson
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