Remove The Friction
Here's my life's work in a chart:

Before I knew about content strategy, I was at my peak producing 2-3 videos per week on YouTube. Grew my channel significantly in that time.
THEN, I decided to get serious about my cinematography career and I resented my past videos for its lack of production value. This resentment led to self-criticism until the point of being overcome with what I'm calling friction.
Friction to your creation process comes in all shapes and forms. It's your attitude, your self-confidence, and your environment. All which are malleable.
1. Attitude
Over the last few years, I have taken myself way too seriously. I wanted to be a big-time cinematographer, so I figured I had to act like one: a crotchety old man, who can only work when there's a crew, a cinema camera, and proper lighting setups.
This was poison to my creation process and though I didn't consider myself a perfectionist, it was a distinction without a difference.
2. Self-Confidence
I joined the corporate video world of bosses, supervisors, and co-workers. Turns out that I'm an incredibly insecure employee. I was constantly misinterpreting benign looks, conversations, and meetings with my bosses as "Yup, I'm getting fired. I knew it." I lost so much self-confidence that I didn't even feel capable of making my own decisions when it came to my own side-hustle. I became co-dependent to a self-abusive work environment.
3. Environment
Living in a one-bedroom apartment with my wife and dog, Nash, has its challenges when it comes to creating content. I won't complain the same as parents working from home with kids during this time, but I find myself desperately ducking away to record an audio clip or even to write this email. Having a designated space to create uninterrupted is priceless.
Lot of factors can stand between you, and your audience. Assess, cope and/or eliminate those points of friction.
Jordan P. Anderson
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