Positioning is the Engine
If marketing is the paint color and body shape of the car, then branding is...
If marketing is the paint color and body shape of the car, then branding is the leather interior with the Bose surround-sound.
And if branding is the interior, then positioning is the engine that moves the whole thing forward.
I have been wrestling with positioning my company for years. I don't think you ever find a true resting spot because the market is always changing. What positioning your business can do is to eliminate the confusion for your clients and create the right context so they can realize your value.
To continue with the car analogy, the paint job can look insane, the seats be incredibly comfy, but if the engine has been ripped out, then why would you buy the car?
In other words, you can have the most engaging Instagram ads, the sleekest business cards, and website. But if you can't explain your business effectively (without confusion), then you have nothing to drive you forward.
Jordan P. Anderson
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