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Hi everyone! 👋
Your time is better spent on things you actually understand
SEO is a tactic, not a marketing strategy
Know Your Limits and Contain Your Ego
Stop trying to learn the coding/hacker secrets of SEO.
You lack the web/computer data science knowledge to even begin to understand how Google’s algorithm works. You are lying to yourself, a photographer if you think you can outsmart some Yoast employee or SEO consultant.
Would you hire that SEO tech girl to cover a wedding for you?
They might do a good job, but do you trust that they’ll do as good a job as you?
SEO: The Distraction for a Deeper Problem
There are tactics and then there are strategies.
Tactics work.
Strategies work even better.
The reason we feel that SEO is our main problem is because it’s a clear, measurable result. You search your keyword and you don’t appear. Simple as that.
And the tendency is to try to solve that problem because we seem to understand what’s wrong. “I need to rank higher on Google, therefore, I need to learn these hacks about SEO and how to boost my ranking.”
The problem is deeper and you know it.
“Instead of spending countless hours learning SEO, instead, use that time to define your photography business.”
You have to put in the, frankly, uncomfortable time of trying to define your photography niche. Who do I serve? And who do I not serve?
I understand the desire to brand yourself locally - I am the Knoxville Wedding Photographer, I’m the Charleston Wedding Photographer. Fine.
But you need to go one step further.
You are the [insert city/town] wedding Photographer for [SPECIFIC TYPE OF PERSON].
Example - I am the Nashville Wedding Photographer for Dog Moms.
This is what drives SEO.
People google-search very specific things and you showing up as the ONLY result.
Jordan P. Anderson
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Personal Branding: How to Stand Out and Build Influence - https://www.jordanpanderson.com/personalbranding
100% Typo Guarantee —This message was made with love, not spellcheck. No English teachers were harmed in the making of this email.