People Don’t Care About Your Business⠀
Your website has launched and you add "Services" to your navigation bar.
What do you say on your Services Page? ⠀
We've been trained to think that our features (what we do) are important: ⠀
Adobe Creative Suite⠀
Responsive Wordpress
4K Video
JPEG and RAW files available!
But remember- clients may not know what you’re talking about. And it’s not their job to know.
"We need to do better at educating the client then, Jordan!"
We need to talk about the Benefits - the tangible and intangible results:⠀
Reduced Abandoned Cart⠀
Longer time on website ⠀
Email signups⠀
Higher engagement ⠀
Clients don’t care what you do, they care what you do for them.
- Jordan P. Anderson

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