Hi photographers 👋,
I talked a bit about naming your options in The Perfect Wedding Package video tutorial.
In short, I left it up to you stating that this is a great chance for your brand’s personality to shine through.
Go beyond naming your options “Bronze, Silver, Gold” like every software company.
We offer options because we want our clients to feel comfortable with their choice. Naming with a grade that indicates bad, good, best goes against our core philosophy that every option is the right choice for you and your client.
(*Remember, every option is profitable!)
Instead, name them like a business email subject line
Cut to the point
Describe the option in 3-4 words (or less)
Avoid the jargon
Name options like Photoshoot+Edit or Brand Strategy & Website Rebuild.
The client can immediately see the options and there are no judgement or bias placed on any one particular option.
Jordan P. Anderson

the pricing problem. 💸
The problem many new photographers face is pricing their work, so they can stand out in the marketplace.
Many of us wanted to blend in and be average.
So we priced ourselves as an average photographer.
What if I told you that there are a few little tricks you can do to increase your prices overnight!
Sound impossible?
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100% Typo Guarantee —This message was made with love, not spellcheck. No English teachers were harmed in the making of this email.