Starting from scratch - no branding, no name, no word-of-mouth.
1. Build a small portfolio
And by small, I mean 2-3 wedding clients. That’s it. We don’t realize how little our prospects do their research on our portfolio. After looking at two wedding albums, they pretty much get it. It’s overload after that.
Find an established photographer in town (Bonus: networking)
Offer to shoot for a lower-than-usual rate
Get permission to use those photos as portfolio pieces
2. Slap together a One-Pager website
Nothing fancy. Here’s the order of info you need on the site (in order from top to footer):
Hero image AKA your best wedding photo
Two simple wedding packages (Your $ base service, and your $$$$ premium service to make your base service look like a great deal!)
Gallery (less than 5 photos)
About You (Less than 400 words plus one picture of you smiling)
Note: Keep your contact form as simple as possible. Avoid the large paragraph text boxes that deter/fatigue clients.
3. Run Instagram/Facebook Ads (with Retargeting)
Upload some of your photos of weddings to Facebook Ads Carousel. Make your campaign objective - “Traffic” and display your ads on IG stories, IG Feed, Facebook Feed, and avoid anything on the “Right Column.”
Your demographic is plain as day:
Age 21-28
Geography: 30 mile range of your city
Life Events: Recently Engaged, engaged
Interested in: Wedding photography, wedding dresses, WeddingWire
Now the retargeting part - add a Facebook Pixel to your website.
That’s how I’ve done it, and that’s how I would do it again. Book your first wedding, dump all that money back into Facebook ads.
Good luck!
Jordan P. Anderson
100% Typo Guarantee —This message was made with love, not spellcheck. No English teachers were harmed in the making of this email.