How Much Personality Should I Show?
As much as you feel comfortable.
The right answer is your answer. Whatever you feel like sharing is the right amount.
There is this pressure out there to show off your family, your house, your dog, your photos from that college party where you slammed a kegstand. It really comes from lifestyle influencers which have bled into every aspect of marketing.
There is this constant chase to be authentic. What gets lost in translation is they think someone else's definition of authenticity is now their definition of authentic.
If you don't feel comfortable showing your audience what your kids look, what their names are, what your favorite cocktail is to make, then that is totally fine. It's completely fine.
The shame should only come from you trying to share and be "authentic" according to someone else's definition of authentic. Stop the self-judgment and stop the insecurity.
You are in control of what you share with the world.
Jordan P. Anderson
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