There were two ways to get in with the cool kids back in high school -
Be seen at the cool kids party, or
Be the host and invite the cool kids.
Realizing that I wasn’t cut out to be inherently cool, I had to make my own coolness.
Cue me inviting 20 friends to my basement, some cheap beer, and somehow someone snuck in some even cheaper vodka.
the cops banging on my basement door, waking up my mom in the process and the classic American Pie kids running for their life through the woods.
All that said, it earned me some credibility and all I did was tell people to come over.
The Halo Effect of the Cool Kids
Apply this to your business. If your outreach isn’t making enough buzz, then find a way to host the party. Bring people together, bring ideas together, and get credit through the halo effect.
Host a podcast with credible guests
Host a Q&A session
Host an online meetup
Start a public Slack channel
Collab with a creator on Instagram
Jordan P. Anderson
100% Typo Guarantee —This message was made with love, not spellcheck. No English teachers were harmed in the making of this email.