Here's A Bad Idea: Pricing Based On Your Competition
Pricing is an art and science.
New creative businesses often resort to this fatal go-to method: They price based on their local competitors. When they don't know how to price their services, the first thing they look around and see what the "market" is willing to pay.
Pricing Off Your Competition is a Non-Starter
This pricing model gives up all your power before you even open your business. You are communicating to the world, "Hey everyone, you see Photographer A over there? Well, I'm just like her - you can call me Photographer B."
When clients can compare your services, they can haggle down your prices - and the lowest price wins.
Is that where you want to be?
Most creatives use the logic that sounds something like this:
"Well my competitor prices their photoshoots at $100 per hour, but since I'm just starting, I can't charge that much. So I'll charge $75 per hour. Done."
My next question is - How did your competitor arrive at the $100 hourly rate?
What if your competition under-priced their services too? Now we have two dopes instead of one. Great.
We need to change the way we look at pricing our creative services. Instead of starting with your services and pricing based on the cost to you, let's price your services based on the value to our clients.

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Thanks for reading and thanks for the support. ❤️❤️
Jordan P. Anderson
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