Having only one client isn't freelancing - it's a job.
Hi photographers 👋,
The subject line says it all.
You may find yourself lucky to have landed a huge whale client. But then again, if it’s your only client then by default it’s a “huge whale client.”
This all-in approach (by fate or design) leaves you vulnerable to being exploited.
Blowing The Scope
Jordan, I’m gonna need you to come in on Saturday…
If you only have one client, then you have no problems staying longer, editing more, showing up a few extra times a week.
The fear is that by saying, “No,” or setting healthy boundaries, your clients will grow irritated and eventually fire you.
Desperation Stinks
Can I get you anything else??
This point reinforces the first. You’re willing to do just about anything to maintain the relationship and your client most likely knows this - for a fact or intuitively.
Getting your first client is hard enough - the second is crucial to your freedom.
Jordan P. Anderson
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100% Typo Guarantee —This message was made with love, not spellcheck. No English teachers were harmed in the making of this email.