Getting Better at Photography Isn't Going to Win More Deals
Learn how to communicate how your photography will transform your client’s business or life.
Summary: Learn how to communicate how your photography services will transform your client’s business or life.
Became Obsessed with Learning
About three years ago, I fell into this trap. I decided to dedicate my learnings to lighting and composition. Every new project was focused on learning how to shape and sculpt lighting whether it was for an interview, documentary, or commercial work.
The more I learned about lighting, the more I learned that I didn’t know anything about lighting - I became addicted to learning more and more. I had to read more books, shoot more lighting tests, watch more lighting tutorials.
My lighting skills and knowledge seemed to double every two months.
Here’s what didn’t happen: I didn’t get any more clients.
I fell into this trap of thinking that if I only got better at my craft, then I’ll be able to attract the right types of clients.
There was this false goaline that I had to cross in order to feel good enough to attract the right types of clients.
Clients Can’t Tell The Difference
Let me save you the anguish: your typical clients can’t tell much of a difference between your work today and your work from last year. To them, it’s a marginal difference.
Here’s what’s more important:
Demonstrating that you’re able to make a transformative change in your client’s business.
Thanks for reading!
Jordan P. Anderson
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