Creating Content: A Seed in the Ground
You are not on a unique journey. What you have done is not special. The path you're on has been walked many times over.
So why make content about my expertise, Jordan?
Because someone else will walk this same path - your younger, former self.
When we're creating content we have a few choices when selecting a target audience: Aspirational, Foundational, Future Self, and Past Self.
Let's go with Past Self.
I want your content to be a small seed you plant in the ground. The goal isn't for you to benefit and return to this spot on the path and marvel at how tall the tree. The goal is to be selfless and pay it forward.
Evergreen content isn't meant for SEO optimization - it's meant for your former self who once had the same questions you had.
So the next time you're struggling to think of some content ideas, ask yourself, "What questions did I have 5 years ago?"
Question for You, dear reader: What creative questions did you have 5 years ago that you have since answered? Leave a reply. 🤔
Jordan P. Anderson
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