“You cannot will an audience into existence…”
Speaking from failed/lived experience, to expand your brand - you can’t do it alone.
And by alone, I mean without your audience. There are some things that business owners can’t will into submission.
Looking to expand outward
Whenever I run a strategy session for my clients, towards the end, we discuss revenue streams. Many have an established revenue stream such as photography services and are looking to expand outward into ideas such as selling courses, books, digital products, and so forth.
Together we rank these revenue streams but how doable and how desirable each idea is and then we add a timeline next to. Essentially, I try to get my clients to narrow down how realistic this new revenue stream. Sure, I would love to produce a documentary on Netflix - but can that be achieved in the next 30-60 days? No. And that’s how we think about ranking these revenue streams.
They all require one thing
With many of these digital products, they require one thing to make them viable revenue streams - an established audience. Without them, you might as well be peddling your burned CD on the street corner one sales at a time.
You cannot will an audience into existence - let alone will them into buying one fo your digital products. A relationship must be built and it takes time.
Don’t burn yourself out trying to cram a product down a stranger’s throat and feel confused about why they didn’t want your product.
Take a step back, think, and plan.
Jordan P. Anderson
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