Howdy folks! 👋
My overarching goal for my brand and my website:
Grow and nurture relationships with photographers (or would-be photographers) who are looking to get better at serving THEIR clients by creating a rich environment of resources.
Now let's talk about how we can make this stick.
Tangible Goals
Our vision was big and bold!
Now it's time to bring it down to Earth. In the entire SMART Goal acronym, "M" for measurable is the most important. A good goal, if any, should have a measurable component. This way, you're able to track your progress and compare your Point A to Point B.
"It's been 90 days, how close were you to achieving this goal?"
By being able to attach a number or metric, we can change course and adapt along the way.
In the entire SMART Goal acronym, "M" for measurable is the most important.
Why It Matters
If you can't remember why you're doing it, then what's the point of even trying? We are motivated by the stories we tell ourselves. You're on a mission to fulfill your vision.
Write down 2-3 reasons why your goals matter to you, and how they weave into your overall vision.
Touching on this point again - you have to articulate your fear. If you can't put it into words, then you can't anticipate the speed bumps that lie ahead.
List at least two obstacles facing your website's vision - starting with a micro-level and go universal to a macro-level.
⛳Goals (on Notion)
Jordan P. Anderson
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100% Typo Guarantee —This message was made with love, not spellcheck. No English teachers were harmed in the making of this email.