Be Brutally Honest With Your Clients
I have struggled with being honest with clients.
No, I don't mean that I'm lying to clients, but there's a counterintuitive moment of being completely honest with the person signing your paycheck.
Honesty is a blunt weapon if used improperly. This especially applies to the corporate world. We would all love to tell our boss how we really feel and tell them what has REALLY been going on around the office. But that would most likely end in you packing your shit up.
But should we hold back anything when it comes to our own clients? These people have come to you for advice - they have paid you for your advice. Do we risk souring the relationship by speaking our mind?
You bet we do.
We must speak our mind because deep down there is no other option. To lie, or skirt the truth or to play paddy cakes around someone else's business is at a minimum unethical and at worst dangerous.
Create an honest relationship with your clients from the very beginning. Be polite, but say what's on your mind.
"If you're not afraid of the truth, then why not find out the truth as soon as possible." - David C. Baker
Thanks for reading and thanks for the support. ❤️❤️
- Jordan P. Anderson

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