Are you allowed to share your client's photographs before they do?
We forget about this one big moment...
Project Complete.
You’ve just finished a wedding photography project. The client is more than happy to receive their digital files you transferred over.
The question is - Who shares first on social media?
You find yourself balancing between staying in the client’s good graces and capitalizes on the fact that all her friends are going to be gushing over those photos.
Do I tag her or does she tag me?
The answer is - It’s not about you.
This is ACTUALLY the reason they hired you.
You can debate me on this, but I believe THIS is actually the moment your bride has been waiting for. The chance to show off to the world and her friends circle that 1) She got married and 2) She looked good doing it. She wasn’t paying you to show up at 8am to some golf course to take some pictures. She is paying for the once in a lifetime chance to humblebrag to her friends.
The client has already paid you. Anything else, be it referrals or Instagram tags are bonus points from fostering a good client relationship.
So the next time you're tempted to post and steal your client’s thunder - think again.
Jordan P. Anderson
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