Nothing makes me gush like a sick-ass customer experience. I had to share this one.
Recently needed a new sofa, so we checked out Floyd (not a plug).
The most enjoyable assembly of a piece of furniture I’ve had in my life - because of the packaging.
The awesome packaging built a context around the product experience that elevated my perception of value for this rather simple sofa. Though I’m not suggesting every photographer run out and buy new packing materials, however, I am suggesting that you take a look at your current client experience.
Where can you sprinkle in some bits of magic that elevate their experience? One that make your client go, “Whoa! No Way!” 😍😄
Build a context to elevate their peception of value.
Seen below: Little Nash and some sofa legs that look like a Supreme skateboard kit.

Jordan P. Anderson

100% Typo Guarantee —This message was made with love, not spellcheck. No English teachers were harmed in the making of this email.