Hi photographers 👋,
Every year, I get lucky and stumble upon a book that changes my life.
Last year, it was Win Without Pitching by Blair Enns. This opened up the world of value pricing, and has completely changed my perspective on charging what I’m worth.
This year…
It’s DotCom Secrets by Russel Brunson. All the pieces of knowledge I have about digital marketing have been conveniently assembled into this little book.
Like my journey with Win Without Pitching, this too has led me down a rabbit hole and a new take on life. I recently went through One Funnel Away Challenge and I couldn’t be happier with the results that I’ve seen so far in my business.
DotCom Secrets: https://amzn.to/2IER0Rd
And don’t forget, that I’m streaming tonight at 9pm!
Jordan P. Anderson
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