1,000 Subscribers Made Me Depressed 😔
When I was younger, it was all about hitting YouTube subscriber numbers.
“Alright, I need to get 500 YouTube subscribers, get a thousand YouTube subscribers…”
I finally achieved 1,000 YouTube subscribers.
For anyone under 1,000 YouTube subscribers, hitting the 1K mark feels like a huge deal… and it was. The next day - nothing happened. It didn’t feel different, didn’t act different.
So I set the goal for 5,000 subscribers. I worked hard, kept creating content, kept making YouTube videos. I hit 5,000 YouTube subscribers, and again, nothing happened. I thought it was going to be this big moment.
Of course, celebrate the wins and celebrate hitting those milestones and hitting those goals, but know that these goals that you make might be a little empty. If you’re centered around numbers or YouTube subscribers or followers, prepare to be disappointed. Focus on a larger and more meaningful purpose.
Making small milestones and achieving those milestones will give you a little boost each and every month. When planning goals, think of a direction rather than a destination.
- Jordan P. Anderson
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