👋 The 3 Cut-Throat Tips from a YouTuber Who Went from 70K to 200K Subscribers...
2022 is yet another year to dominate YouTube. The platform is bigger than ever, and NO you haven’t missed the boat.
I asked a YouTube consultant what it takes to build a successful channel in 2022…
Here’s what they said….
🧱 1. Don’t reinvent the wheel.
Find out what’s working and double down. If you find that a video topic, a thumbnail, or format is drawing eyeballs, then keep going.
Make 10 more of those videos, and watch your channel continue to rise.
🥳 2. Celebrate ALL wins.
First video with 10 views? Celebrate! Just got your 20th subscriber? Celebrate!
👋 3. Meet other Creators.
Share what’s working, what you’re learning, and what’s not working. A network for help and accountability will do wonders for you.
Nothing more flattering than to how ask another creator, “How did you do that?”
99 out 100 times, they will gladly tell you their secrets.
Special thanks to Jake Thomas for contributing! Go follow @jthomas__ on Twitter!
Quit Writing YouTube Titles Nobody Clicks On ⤵️
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