👋 FREE Editing Software is Killing Your Chances of Success… Here’s Why.
“What is the best FREE editing software?”
🔎 The biggest question on the Editor’s Reddit page goes like this...
“What is the best FREE editing software?”
Everyone comments on their favorite ones...
But what if I told you that every beginner editor is doomed from the start?
The moment you set out the goal to become a video editor, you have taken a serious step toward re-shaping who you are.
✨ “I want to become a video editor to...”
Start my YouTube channel
Share my videos with my audience
One day join a video production house, or
Freelance my video editing skills
And the unspoken 2nd half of EACH of those bullet points is…
“...so that I can make money, and continue to do what I love.”
What would you pay in order to achieve this - To do what you love?
What is that worth?
$10? $1,000?
⛔ When you search for “FREE” you are telling the world that your dreams are worthless...
You are broadcasting to the world that my dream of starting my YouTube channel is worth $0. Some dream.
The problem isn’t the FREE software, it’s your attitude towards achieving your goals.
When you put your money down, you now have some skin in the game.
It’s like joining an online course or challenge...
🧻 When it’s FREE, you don’t care about the outcomes.
I recently joined the #Tweet100 challenge - a challenge to tweet 100 days in a row. It’s free to join, and no one holds you accountable.
If you miss a day, so what. No risk. No downside.
Now take an online challenge like Ship30for30. Write 30 articles in 30 days, but here’s the kicker... It’s roughly $500 to join.
Of the two, which do you think has the greater impact?
It’s Ship30 of course.
By putting a significant amount of money down, you are telling your internal self that improving THIS skillset is worth every penny.
You think, “$500 is a lot of money!! I’m going to attend every class and do every assignment, so I can get my money’s worth.”
The pain of losing $500 is greater than the pain of actually doing the work.
Now let’s tie it back to paying $600/year for editing software...
When you have the pressure of meeting that $600 bill each year, your behavior, your mindset change. Now you start to think about, “how can I use video editing to earn at least $50 a month to cover the costs?”
You are now an investor in yourself - you are seeking a return.
🤡 Yes, of course, I use free apps...
Of course, I use FREE apps like Substack, Notion, and Reddit to drive my business. How do you think I wrote this article?
But when it's your dream, your career, and a significant driver of your business, do you take the risk on FREE?
🔎 So when you’re searching for the best FREE editing software on Reddit...
Take a second to ask yourself how much you care about becoming a better video editor?
What is your dream of starting a YouTube channel worth?
And does putting some money on the table (some skin in the game) change how you feel about your future self?
Jordan P. Anderson
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I want to help YOU achieve incredible feats in your creator career.
My videos have gone on to earn over $2.5+ Million in revenue, and I never thought I’d be saying that…
Since I was 13, I've wanted to have a creative impact on the world, and I've learned that you can't do it alone - you need the help of a great audience.
Let's go on a journey together and find a way to have a creative impact on the world.
- Jordan P. Anderson