🎧 Coaching Call: Going Full-Time in Less than 100 Days
She's a wedding photographer, and she's ready to launch...
Hi everyone! 👋
A recent coaching call with Amber…
…prompted a great discussion - How to Launch in 100 Days. At the time of call, Amber was 100 days away from putting in her two-weeks notice, quitting her “real” job, and jumping into her busiest fall season ever!
In this jam-packed hour session, Amber and I commit to some pretty big ticket items. She has everything she needs to make her 100-day launch a success!
I’m so thankful that we were able to record this call because I know Amber’s not the only photographer who’s ready to go full-time.
How to Get Over Your Fear of Going Full-Time
Creating Life Goals, not only Money Goals
How to build a great photography package
When to change your business
Jordan P. Anderson
Ask yourself this:
🤢 Do you feel gross trying to market yourself?
💸 Looking to raise your photography prices?
🤳 Instagram your new full-time job?
😨 Referrals dried up?
🗝️ Gain Access to My Coaching! 🔒
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